2016-2020 Strategic Plan

The Youth Opportunity Center recently completed the development of a multi-year strategic plan. This plan is designed to guide the organization’s activities and decision making as we seek to fulfill our mission. To read the complete plan, click here.

Annual Reports

The Youth Opportunity Center (YOC) wants our customers, clients, staff, donors, funders, community, and other key stakeholders to be informed with the most accurate and up-to-date information about our agency. YOC’s Annual Report is attached below for your review. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kim Burkholder, CFO, at kburkholder@yocinc.org.

To stay current with weekly activities on campus involving staff, residents, or families follow us on social media sites.

Follow the YOC on Facebook (www.facebook.com/youthopportunitycenter) or on Twitter (@youthoppcenter).